Eat & Drink

Blue Door Kiosk

Your coffee doesn't get much more beachside than this

The words 'Newcastle Lifestyle' regularly come up in conversation when we chat to local business owners, and whilst most people outside the area don't really get it, those living and breathing it aren't inclined to make a lot of noise about it, in case too many catch on. However, if you're ever required to explain it, there is one place that perfectly sums up what it's all about, that place being Blue Door Kiosk Merewether Beach.

Sitting down with owner PJ you can't help but feel pretty darn envious of his office space. A combination of fresh sea air, rolling Merewether waves and a stream of relaxed and friendly locals dropping in to have a chat. Whilst the newly renovated promenade area makes for an impressive sight it hasn't all been smooth sailing with PJ saying the last few years have been pretty tough with the renovations causing havoc to their café space. But all good things come to those who are really patient and the result is nothing short of spectacular.

Blue Door Kiosk Merewether Beach is more than just a café, it's a destination that you'll find anyone from school kids riding their pushies or skateboards through, to retirees on their morning walks, mum's and bubs, CEO's, surfers, girls in their bikinis, tradies on smoko, business people and tourists alike all just sitting and enjoying the view.

No up and down looks or sideways glances here, the eclectic bunch seamlessly mix together throughout the entire day.

The menu is a casual café fair with PJ saying he likes to offer an array of toasted sandwiches, "homemade" museli w/ blueberries and Greek yoghurt, bacon & eggs on Turkish and the local favourite, home baked muffins. The coffee is always quick and PJ mentions he likes to include a range of healthy options like the Acai bowl w/ homemade gluten/sugar free granola, kale & quinoa with chia seed and lentil beetroot & goats cheese salads, for those wanting to keep their beach bodies in tip top shape.

A visit to Blue Door Kiosk Merewether Beach must also include a mention of the super friendly staff who are a rare breed of people who just love going to work every day. How could you blame them!

So if you need a quick caffeine or brekkie fix, a sit down and linger lunch or you just prefer to enjoy the scenery and go for a swim, Blue Door Kiosk Merewether Beach should be added to your lists of must do's this weekend.

Blue Door Kiosk

1 John Parade, Merewether, NSW, 2291

Today - 0545 – 1700