The Awards

Best Non-Alc Menu

Presented by Lyre's

On Monday, August 5, the Bar Awards honoured the winner of Best Non-Alc Menu, celebrating creativity and innovation in alcohol-free drinks.

A huge congratulations to this year's winner: The Koutetsu.

While you might know The Koutetsu for its incredible cocktails, did you know the Hunter Street Bar's ingenuity extends to its non-alcoholic drinks offering too?

best non alcoholic menu bar awards newcastle nsw

Find out more about the Best Non-Alc Menu award below.

Best Non-Alc Menu

The non-alcoholic drinks market is very much in the spotlight right now, and there’s no sign of this focus fading.

Whether you’re after a cocktail sans the spirits, the crispness of a craft beer, or the elegance of a fine wine, Best Non-Alc Menu recognises the venues that are leading the charge in offering a quality and comprehensive range of non-alcoholic drinks.

It’s not just about slapping a few token mocktails on the menu and calling it a day – these are venues that curate their non-alcoholic lineup with the same care, excitement, and variety as their boozy counterparts.

Whether you're a non-drinker, designated driver, or just in the mood for something different, Best Non-Alc Menu celebrates venues that understand great drinks don't always have to come with an alcoholic kick.

This year's finalists were:

- Bartholomew's
- Bernie's Bar
- The Blind Monk
- Coal & Cedar
- The Koutetsu

And here's the full list of nominees:

- Âpé Yakitori Bar
- Bar Mellow
- Bar Romeo
- Bartholomew’s
- The Beach Hotel
- Bella Italia
- Bernie’s Bar
- The Blind Monk
- Blue Kahunas
- Calamari Kitchen & Bar
- Casanova Honeyusckle
- Castle del Mar
- Coal & Cedar
- Customs House Hotel
- The Exchange Hotel
- The Falcon
- The Flotilla
- The Grain Store
- Granddad's Bar
- The Hamilton Station Hotel
- Hao Chi by Lee’s Yum Cha
- The Happy Wombat
- Humbug
- Jam’s Karaoke Bar
- Jana Restaurant & Bar
- The Junction Hotel
- The Koutetsu
- The Lost Souls
- Lowlands Bowling Club
- The Lucky Hotel
- Mad Poet
- Market St Basement 
- Meantime On Beaumont
- Modus Merewether
- Ms Marys
- Oh My Papa
- The Oriental
- Peregrin
- The Prince of Merewether
- Queens Wharf Hotel
- Romberg’s Bar
- Rustica Newcastle Beach
- Shout Brewing Co.
- Susuru Ramen & Gyoza
- The Shortland Hotel
- The Underground
- Thermidor
- Urban Deli and Bar
- Young St Hotel

* A copy of the current non-alcoholic menu must be submitted along with nomination.
** Non-alcoholic drinks do not include standard drinks like soft drinks, juices, or water.
*** Category open to any venue with a featured non-alcoholic menu or range of non-alcoholic drinks, and is situated within the Newcastle LGA.

Thank you to our category sponsor Lyre's for their support. 
