The Awards

Best Live Music Venue

Showcasing Newcastle's best live music venue

Newcastle’s live music scene is legendary. Not only has the city played host to a long list of iconic acts over the years, but it’s produced some of the country’s most renowned musicians.

Best Live Music Venue recognises an establishment where music is the focus. Punters know it as a place you’d go for a gig, just as much as a place to visit for a drink.

It’s no secret that live music has taken a hit in recent years, and Newcastle hasn’t been immune to the obstacles that the industry has faced. However, the city’s gig scene continues to develop against the odds – Best Live Music Venue champions those venues where creativity is encouraged, local artists are supported, and good times are all but guaranteed.

The 2024 Bar Awards finalists have been announced and this year's Best Live Music Venue finalists are:

- Adamstown Bowling Club 
- The Beach Hotel
- The Hamilton Station Hotel
- The Stag & Hunter Hotel
- The Underground

We now hand the difficult task of deciding who the winners are over to our esteemed judges. The winners will be revealed on August 5 at the Bar Awards event.

Here are your Best Live Music Venue nominees:

- Adamstown Bowling Club 
- Bar Romeo
- Battlesticks Bar
- The Beach Hotel
- Bernie's Bar
- Castle del Mar
- Crown and Anchor
- The Delany Hotel 
- The Exchange Hotel
- The Falcon
- The Grand Hotel
- The Great Northern Hotel
- The Hamilton Station Hotel
- Honeysuckle Hotel
- Jana Restaurant & Bar
- King Street Hotel
- The Lass O'Gowrie Hotel
- The Lucky Hotel
- The Newcastle Hotel
- Northern Star Hotel
- The Oriental Hotel
- The Prince of Merewether
- Queens Wharf Hotel
- The Rogue Scholar
- The Royal Oak Hotel
- The Ship Inn
- Shout Brewing Co. 
- The Stag & Hunter Hotel
- The Underground
- The Wickham Park Hotel

* The award is open to applicable venues within the Newcastle LGA.
** To qualify for this award the venue must:
- Hold an average of two live music performances per week. 
- Have a room or space dedicated to live music performances that is a significant part of the venue and contains the infrastructure to support the regular performances.