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Is 2022 the year to launch your dream business?

If you have the plan but are in need of a little bit of guidance then signing up to the New Hunter Business’s New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) course will provide you with the tools to make your business dreams come true in 2022.

new hunter business neis course newcastle
Helping to turn business dreams into reality through education, mentoring and support, New Hunter Business has been operating for more than 35 years, and now with the launch of their revitalised entrepreneurial program this is your chance to establish a successful and viable business.

So what can you expect from the New Hunter Business’s NEIS course?

- An Accredited Entrepreneurship and New Small Business course.
- Financial allowance for up to 39 weeks + NEIS rental assistance for up to 26 weeks (if eligible).
- Personalised business mentoring with experienced and qualified advisors.

Stephanie Rose from Layered Home at the Junction is just one of the success stories from the New Hunter Business’s NEIS, completing the course in 2018 Steph explains further,

“New Hunter Business’s NEIS course was brilliant! The course essentially just filled in all those gaps that I didn’t have. I had the dream and the vision, but NEIS helped me with the practical side of how to run a business.”
new hunter business neis course newcastle

“I think the other thing I gained from the course is the confidence to actually do it. I remember thinking I wonder if I can actually pull this off, and when I started doing the NEIS course I really started to think, yes I can!”

“Once I had all of the tools from NEIS in place and had completed the business plan properly alongside the support from the trainers and mentors, then I knew that I could do it, and I did it!”

Next course intake starts on February 14 - applications are due on February 7.
For more information about the New Hunter Business NEIS course visit newhunterbusiness.org

new hunter business neis course newcastle