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Kick-start your dream career with a postgraduate degree at the University of Newcastle

With postgraduate enrolments for 2024 currently open at the University of Newcastle, there’s never been a better time to consider how you might progress your career, retrain in an entirely new area, or edge closer to that dream job you can’t stop thinking about.

An extensive range of postgraduate study options, state-of-the-art educational facilities, and teachers who are experts in diverse fields, are just some of the factors likely to ensure that everyone’s ambitions can be realised through postgraduate study at the University of Newcastle.

Embarking on a journey like this can be daunting and there can be a lot to consider prior to committing to further study.

The University recognises this, and invites you to book in for a free one-on-one appointment with their expert staff to ask any questions you may have, relating to postgraduate study. Sessions are to be held via Zoom on Wednesday 14 November, from 4-6pm. Bookings and further information is available here.

For University of Newcastle alumni, Courtney White, postgraduate study was a crucial step to becoming an architect—a career she had been drawn to since childhood, as a result of her life-long fascination with buildings.

“I remember the first time I was overseas with my family and I saw the Forbidden City in Beijing. I looked at all the buildings and thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be amazing to be the person who designed all of this?’”

After completing her Bachelor of Design (Architecture) at the University of Newcastle in 2014, Courtney got a job with EJE Architecture and began her Master of Architecture.

“I graduated my Master of Architecture with Distinction in 2019, and became a registered architect. Through the degree program, I was able to explore my passions as a designer and foster connections within the industry; it gave me the vital skills you need in your career and the confidence to push the boundaries of what an architect does.”

University of Newcastle Info Sessions

The University of Newcastle provided Courtney with the support she required to be successful in her studies, offering additional services where needed, and ensuring she was provided with industry connections to kick-start her professional careers.

Of her experience with the University’s teachers, Courtney says: “Between the cutting edge facilities and the teachers, I received so much support and guidance to explore what I wanted to achieve in my career and how to get there. The school provided so many opportunities to connect with fellow students, the teaching faculty, and to create industry connections—the University always adds that personal touch so you don’t feel like just a number.”

The experiences postgraduate students are afforded at the University of Newcastle are instrumental to their success, preparing them for their careers upon completion of their studies, and furthering their passions.

In 2017 Courtney participated in a field trip to Nepal, where she was tasked with designing and documenting village houses to withstand earthquake damage, as well as designing toilets, hand and teeth-washing stations in schools, and waste water disposal amenities.

“If I didn’t do my postgraduate degree at the University of Newcastle, I would not have been able to participate in such an amazing experience which, to this day, holds a special place in my heart and has helped form the designer I am now. It allowed me to explore my passion and realise why I love doing what I do!”

To find out more about postgraduate study options at the University of Newcastle, be sure to book in for a free appointment at their Postgrad Info Session on Wednesday 14 November. For more information visit Postgraduate Info Sessions.
