Eat & Drink
Bateau Bay

Local Hero Coffee Brewers

Get the Heroes welcome and an exceptional brew at Local Hero, an exciting new destination on the coffee map of the Central Coast.

Coffee is certainly the star at Local Hero, but owners Caleb and Els say they share their devotion to the art of coffee for the true Heroes - the Central Coast locals they call customers.

local hero coffee brewers central coast cafes nsw

“The heroes to us are the garbage collectors out front at 6AM, the teachers, the doctors across the road, it’s the locals in the community” Caleb says, and so far the reception has been as strong as the coffee is exceptional. 

They waited patiently for over 12 months for the spot along The Entrance Road to become available, and after a number of lucky coincidences their vision to excite people about coffee is well and truly alive. The humble but stylish cafe is on a mission to not only serve up a brilliant cup, but also create a place where you feel comfortable asking questions and being guided through the world of coffee. WIth Caleb and Els at the helm we challenge you to find two people more experienced in coffee on the Coast.

local hero coffee brewers central coast cafes nsw

Both born and bred Coasties, this coffee couple lived and worked in London where Caleb learnt the art of roasting while Els fell in love with the smooth brew through latte art. Since returning to Australia they have an impressive resume behind them ranging from small business to large commercial coffee companies.

local hero coffee brewers central coast cafes nsw

Caleb began his own roasting business Coffee Curators three years ago, while Els has made her mark as a strong female in a still male dominated industry consulting countless cafes on setup, education & training, and machine maintenance. Now they bring everything they’ve learnt back to the community level with the bricks and mortar shop front and cafe of Local Hero Coffee Brewers.

Part pandemic and part a renewed love for their Central Coast home, Caleb says the drive was to “share everything we have grown to love about exceptional coffee throughout our careers in an approachable way.”
local hero coffee brewers central coast cafes nsw

The coffee is supported by a small but gourmet menu of toasties such as the Three Cheese & Kimchi and a range of cakes and treats made by a local hero in Avoca ‘Buy Mums Fili Babba’. The coffee menu includes their signature blend ‘Good News’ which Caleb created for Els (knowing one day she was destined to open her own cafe) from the description she gave of the coffee she wanted but couldn’t find. Also on offer are two single origin brews that rotate every 2 weeks - one “Mild” and one “Wild”.

local hero coffee brewers central coast cafes nsw

Dog friendly, light and airy, you’ll likely find lone rangers working on laptops at the small corridor of indoor tables, families perched outside watching the world go by, and happy bellies munching crisp gooey toasties on the go. 

One thing is for sure, you’ll come for the coffee, be welcomed like a hero, and stay for the vibe.

Photography credit: Bec Bond @becbondphotography

Local Hero Coffee Brewers

562B The Entrance Rd, Bateau Bay NSW 2261

Today - 0700 - 1300