Life & Style

Spicy Pilates

Reformer Pilates instructor training – but spicy

Obsessed with Pilates? Then it's time to seize your dream job with the freshest flexible training course crafted by the founder of Muse Pilates. 

In the ever-growing and vibrant world of fitness and wellness, fresh approaches to business is what keeps the industry on its toes. Enter Spicy Pilates, a Newcastle-born, online-based brand. 

The online reformer Pilates training company is founded by Allana Ford, a name many may recognise as the owner behind much-loved reformer Pilates studios, Muse Pilates.

spicy pilates reformer pilates teacher training online newcastle nsw
Spicy Pilates Founder – Allana Ford

With five years in the industry, 11 studios, and a passion for bringing the power of Pilates to all fitness levels, Allana has created Spicy Pilates – a self-paced program for those who’ve daydreamed about leading the class. 

We caught up with Allana to hear about the origins of Spicy Pilates, the brand’s core values, and what sets it apart from traditional Pilates instructor training programs.

spicy pilates reformer pilates teacher training online newcastle nsw

The driving force behind the business, Allana brings with her a wealth of experience and knowledge from her successful Muse Pilates brand. 

With a strong passion for Pilates and a keen eye for industry trends, Allana recognised the growing demand for accessible and flexible Pilates training that bridges the gap between traditional education and real-world application.

“We wanted to create a well-rounded training program that teaches both the traditional and contemporary styles of Pilates, so we had many Pilates experts contribute,” Allana said.

spicy pilates reformer pilates teacher training online newcastle nsw

Launched in April 2024, Spicy Pilates aims to shake up the fitness education industry by offering the next generation a career path that fuels their personal and professional passions. 

“The business of Pilates is incredibly rewarding, both personally and professionally. It's a growing industry with plenty of opportunities for passionate individuals to succeed.”

Born from Muse’s mission to bring Pilates to the everyday person, Allana says Spicy Pilates believes there isn’t a certain type of person that can be a Pilates instructor, so you don’t have to be a Pilates princess or health nut to get your certification. 

“We believe it’s not your ability to do it, it’s your ability to cue it – meaning unlike other courses out there, we’re not assessing you on your ability to do a certain exercise, but your ability to teach a fun, engaging and safe class. There is no need to know every move before you start. We teach you how to cue the moves, engage with clients, and create presence in the studio.

“At Muse Pilates, our brand is built on an inclusive environment where every fitness level is welcome. We want this to reflect in our teaching staff as well, which is what sparked Spicy. We want to make going after a career in the Pilates industry feel accessible to your everyday person.”

spicy pilates reformer pilates teacher training online newcastle nsw

This philosophy is carried throughout the Spicy Pilates’ curriculum, which focuses on equipping individuals from diverse backgrounds – from fitness enthusiasts and career changes to recent school leavers – with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the Pilates industry. 

“I want to share this opportunity for a life of flexibility and fulfillment with others and give them the tools to thrive in an industry that’s rapidly growing every year. Starting the Spicy brand and sharing our course is just the first step in showing the community that you don’t need to follow the traditional path of university or TAFE to find yourself a well-paying job.”

spicy pilates reformer pilates teacher training online newcastle nsw

One of Spicy Pilates’ key strengths lies in its flexibility. The online format lets you move through the course at your own pace, whether you sprint through it in six weeks or stretch it out over six months. This adaptability is perfect for those juggling multiple commitments or those seeking a gradual immersion into the Pilates world. 

The course covers everything you need to become a fully qualified reformer Pilates instructor, people can expect to finish their course with a well-rounded knowledge of reformer Pilates. 

Students will also learn the business of Pilates, so they are equipped with career-ready knowledge and the tools to score a job in the industry and make bank as soon as they receive their certificate.

spicy pilates reformer pilates teacher training online newcastle nsw

Looking ahead, Spicy Pilates has ambitious plans for expansion. Allana hints at global retreats blending professional growth with wellness and an online platform brimming with continuous learning resources. These initiatives aim to create new pathways for graduates, fostering a community of passionate Pilates instructors.

“I’m incredibly excited about the future of Spicy Pilates and the opportunities it will create for our students. Whether you’re looking to start a new career or find a well paying side hustle, we’re here to help you achieve your goals.”

What are you waiting for? Get ready to spice up your fitness career with Spicy Pilates.

Spicy Pilates