
Hunter Valley Wildlife Park

Experience an incredible animal Encounter at Hunter Valley Wildlife Park

Can you see yourself cuddling up to a Meerkat, getting inquisitive with a Binturong, or are you brave enough to come face to face with a Lion?

hunter valley wildlife park animal encounters

If any, or all of the above applies to you then book yourself, or give the ultimate Chrissy gift, and visit Hunter Valley Wildlife Park for one of their many animal Encounter experiences.

hunter valley wildlife park animal encounters

As part of Australia’s largest private wildlife tourism operator, Hunter Valley Wildlife Park offers visitors a premium sanctuary for visitors and animals to interact up-close, and with more than 80 different species it’s a full day of fun for all ages.

hunter valley wildlife park animal encounters

With seven different animal Encounters to choose from, your experience can be as cute and cuddly or nerve-wracking as you please with the experiences covering animals in all shapes and sizes, including;

Giraffes: The Wildlife Parks newest Encounter, get to know the majestic giraffe a little better.
Binturong: These curious creatures may look a little odd but smell scrumptious, that is if you like popcorn.
Lemurs: You’ll hear these guys before you see them, they may sound loud but these quirky characters have the most gentle of souls.
Meerkat: One of the cutest animals in the kingdom get up close for a little cuddle during your encounter.
Marmoset: These guys are a little jumpy, you’ll love their energy and inquisitive nature.
Squirrel Monkey: Expect 20 minutes of monkey mayhem and to get a little messy.
Lions: This is the ultimate wildlife encounter and experience the raw power the lion. Check Hunter Valley Wildlife Park for availability.

hunter valley wildlife park animal encounters

Throughout your Encounter take as many photos as you please for you to remember your experience by, and on hand will be a zoo keeper to answer any questions you have about your Encounter animal.

hunter valley wildlife park animal encounters

The cost for each encounter is $150 per person or $200 for 2 people, price does not include admission into the park. There is a maximum of 2 people per encounter and maximum of 4 people per Encounter.

Minimum ages vary from encounter to encounter with the youngest age requirement being 10 years of age. Children 10-15 years must be accompanied by an Adult. Fully enclosed flat shoes are required and long pants are recommended to avoid any friendly scratches.

For all the terms and conditions and to make a booking head to Hunter Valley Wildlife Park, and select your Encounter for all the details.

Hunter Valley Wildlife Park

138 Lomas Lane, Nulkaba NSW 2325

Today - 0900 - 1600